

It's Just a Rumor, Right?

Short post today, but could be big. Now this is as rumorish as rumors get, and I can't stress how much it is just a rumor right now, but word has it, that Red Sox pitcher and yours truly's hero, Tim Wakefield might be retiring before the start of the upcoming season. Folks, this is almost Brett Favre level. No one, I repeat no one, has done as much for the Sox in the last 15 years as Wake has. He's the definition of a team player, never griping and giving countless hours and dollars to charity. Not to mention of course he's inspired countless New England kids to throw a knuckleball. I hope that like Favre, Wake plays forever. With the knuckleball, he could come close, but we might have to deal with the realization that the Wake era is coming to a close.



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