

I don't wanna make Nasty look bad, but I have just got to post about my night tonight. First of all, since you all care, it was Amherst in a sweep in one of the most one-sided volleyball matches you could imagine. I'll just throw in that UMass basketball coach Travis Ford was in attendance(the UMass AD's daughter plays vball...go figure). He kicked me escorting his son down the bleachers, so yeh, Travis Ford kicked me. Patted me on the back when he got back though, so we're practically friends now. Anyways, the game gets done at 8:05, keep that in mind.

It seemed like everyone I had to interview was busy, so we're just standing around doing nothing for God knows how long. I finally get my interviews done, one as they're shutting off the gym lights and another in the parking lot, as I'm one of the last 5 people to leave the goddamned school. So anyhoo, I get a phone call on my way to my car, which is actually somewhat relevant as you'll see. I get in the car to make the 20 minute trek back to the Gazette. About half way there, I make a Dunkin' Donuts stop for a coffee and a snack. Pull up to the drive through. I get the "We'll be right with you" line after waiting for about 3 minutes. I wait another minute or two and I get, "I'm really sorry, please give us a minute." Five minutes later, I've had enough of these shenanigans, so I go in to try my luck inside. Another seven minutes or so passes, I get my iced coffee, even though I wanted hot, and I'm off.

Back to the Gazette, only to find I don't have my notepad. I figure that I put it on the top of my car and left it there when I was on the phone. So I go from the parking lot of the Gazette back to the school (hitting every traffic light of course) only to find it's nowhere to be found. So, it's back to the office, manage to write the story and of course I'm there longer than I need to be. Starving, I go for a quick food stop when I get back to Springfield. I choose McDonalds. Bad idea. This is another 20 minutes naturally. So it's back to college, where of course I have to park 10 minutes from the dorm. And naturally, it was raining tonight. In the room at 12:20, 4 hours after the game ended. So there you have it, a night from hell, and I couldn't make this up if I tried.

Play of the Day: Me catching the ripped McDonald's back halfway between my car and the dorm before it hits the ground, saving my McNuggets.
time for some homework now, and then passing out. Night kids. -MC


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