

The Weekend that Is

Warm weather, girls sunbathing in way too cold wather, and the sox. By golly spring must be here. There really couldn’t be a better weekend for baseball here in New England, and after the Red Sox win last night, I am feeling pretty euphoric. In the spirit of everything great about spring finally being here, I give you the top 5 countdown of things to do this weekend.
1. Play golf- Please, you knew I would put this on the list
2. Have a barbecue- nothing goes down like a nice burger or steak.
3. Watch the Red Sox, outdoors. Get an extra long extension cord and cable cord, and enjoy the sox as if you are at Fenway.
4. Sunbath- For those of us who develop ugly sox tans by mid-June, this weekend should provide a perfect day to shed the sandals let the feet breath, preferably while watching the Sox.
5. Avoid ESPN between 7PM and 12:30. The NBA playoffs are on and I wouldn’t want to have to experience it.
6. Do lawn work. Just kidding, get out there and do one (or all of) the first five. Have a great weekend.



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