School's Out, The Nights Roll In...

Ah, May 2nd. And this guy doesn't have another class until early September. You've got to love that. Anyways, I'm here to talk about all things sports, or at least my trip to Yankee Stadium, the latest Red Sox capades in genearal, and maybe I'll touch on the NFL and NBA as much as it pains me.
As I had planned, me and a buddy of mine packed up the Pontiac and headed south for 95 to the Bronx on Friday night. Let me just tell you, that it was the best idea I've had in a while. The picture above was taken by yours truly as a fight errupted 10 feet away from us pairing a Sox fan and a Yankees fan against another Yankees fan. No real winners, but it is safe to assume that just about every Yankee fan in the Stadium (or those who left in the 7th and 8th) had about as much fun as that guy by the end of the night. Because folks, the Red Sox just pounded on the Yankees Friday night. After enduring 3 or 4 innings of "F*** Boston" from the Bleacher Creatures, things turned around and before you knew it, it was the 8th inning and the place sounded like Fenway. Although, it isn't fair to mention Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park in the same sentence. Except the Stadium only charges $14 for parking in a garage that is literally 200 feet at the most from the Stadium. In Boston, you're gonna pay $35 to park in Patty Sullivan's Burger King parking lot a mile from Fenway. Good story as we were heading out too. Walking back towards the garage from the bleacher exit, two disgruntled Yankees fans thought it ruin the amazing night I was having if they bumped into me. Just made it better actually.
The Sox lost a tough one last night though, with Papelbon blowing the save. The only thing this proves is that the guy is human, albeit barely. If needed, tonight those bullpen gates will open, "Wild Thing" will blare, and everyone will go home happy minutes later. It's all good. It's all good because the Red Sox just took 2 of 3 from the Yankees in New York, and making them look bad in the process. I don't know about anyone else, but the Yankees just do not scare me anymore. At all really. I know it's only May, but it's more than that. They're just not scary. It's kind of weird when it gets to the point that Alex Rodriguez is the only Yankee that scares me right now. Him, and maybe Doug Mientkiewicz of course.
As reported here first, the Pats picked up Randy Moss in this weekend's NFL draft. For those of you who don't know, I am not a Patriots fan. Stop coming up to me in the streets and hugging me, because "Dude, you can already start fitting us for rings." This highly annoys me for a few reasons.
1. It's baseball season! The Red Sox are slapping the Yankees around Yankee Stadium and all anyone wants to talk about is how amazing Belichick is.
2. Patriots fans, please accept the fact that Randy Moss has been a pain in the arse everywhere he's been. It's not like Corey Dillon. Corey Dillon bitched and moaned and was just a nuissance in Cincinnatti. Randy Moss leaves the field before games are over and admits he takes plays off. This is a different animal. If he changes his ways, great for them. But Randy Moss played on some pretty good Minnesota teams and was still a problem. Dave saw this as the T.O. thing, but in the first half of the tenure. Count me as someone who wouldn't be shocked at all if we see the dysfunctional second half of the fun in Philly.
3. I missed the whole second coming of the Messiah in the form of Bill Belichick? Honestly, wasn't this supposed to be a bigger thing? Honestly, kudos to Belichick for being so low key as the Second Coming. Although I should have seen it coming. He can probably do anything short of walking on water.
That's all I have. If you read all of that, congratulations. Leave a comment if you feel like it too. We had 5 and counting yesterday, a new record! Also, check out after reading this great blog. After you get bored with what we say, head over there and just laugh your ass off. No worries, it's basically all videos. Thanks to my buddies Toch and Croteau for showing me that. Alright, Happy Tuesday, go play outside or something.
hey good piece, agree with randy moss stuff. anyway, as you're speaking about the sox, i found this piece on boston's beloved dougie mirabelli.
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