

Well Lookie Here

Not many things get the "this needs to be blogged about right now" treatment, but I figured this picture of Mr. Amazinglycandonowrong Tom Brady was worth it. Saw this picture on the Boston Dirt Dogs site and had to get all over it. A few things...

1. Nice hat, ass-clown. Brady has been seen sporting a Red Sox hat in the past, has been to Red Sox opening days, and all of that good stuff, and look at this. Part of me loves it, because it gives me yet another reason to not like the guy.
2. Even cooler shirt, guy. Does that shirt look at all feminine or is that just me? I mean it may just be me, but still.
3. Two words: Man purse.

So just chew on that one for a while kids, just enjoy the Yankees hat, sweet shirt, beautiful man purse, and the rare occasion where Gisele Bundchen doesn't look absolutely stunning. Just kinda stunning.



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